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Some Practical Advice for First Time Home Buyers

Before you even begin, remove the words “overwhelming”, “complicated”, “exhausting”, “disappointing”, from your vocabulary. I do not believe in scare tactics and none of these things should be allowed to effect your home search. Having said that, owning a little nervousness is not only natural but probably a very healthy approach to a significant investment.There absolutely are a lot of details to consider, but keeping all those ducks in a row will be my job. While assisting you in finding the right answers to these questions; How much can I afford? How much will I need to close? Where can I find the best loan? How do I begin? What neighborhoods are in my price range? What should I expect from my real estate agent? What type of home is right for me?, I will be by your side to make sure you understand everything that is going on and why.

Always remember that you are the center around which the entire process revolves, you are the one that matters. It’s easy to think that many others may have more input, expertise or clout, but the truth is that you as the buyer, are the decision-maker in this transaction and nothing will happen without your OK.

If you plan from the very beginning to approach the home buying process intelligently and with confidence, you are much more likely to wind up with the home you wanted, and to feel that the best decisions were made and your investment is a success.

Basic Steps To Buying A Home
  1. Make a decision to rent or buy.
  2. Determine how much you can afford (pre-approval)
  3. Find a real estate agent you trust and with whom you have a rapport.
  4. Choose a general location, city or town, urban or rural.
  5. Scope out specific neighborhoods within your price range.
  6. Preview several homes, then refine your wish list.
  7. Nail down your terms and make an offer.
  8. Formally apply for a mortgage on offer acceptance.
  9. Schedule and conduct inspections, do not overlook specific inspections; roof, termites, pool.
  10. Review and understand all closing costs per the HUD1 Settlement Statement.
  11. Close your transaction.


Additional Resources for Home Buyers

Home Buyer Tips and Advice

Arizona MLS Search

Custom Home Search Request

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