uyers Frequently Asked Questions, Advice for Home Sellers , Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Take the Uncertainty Out of the Buying and Selling Process with These Simple Tips

The tips below are certainly helpful but I always take issue with anyone telling you that Real Estate transactions are difficult, stressful or overwhelming. If your agent is doing their job there should be no stress or difficulty involved. The article suggests you hire a lawyer. This is never bad advice, but you should also… Read More

Mortgage Financing, Low Mortgage Rates - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - 602-999-0952

Mortgage Interest Rates Still Low After Summer Decrease

Nationally, interest rates on conventional purchase-money mortgages decreased from July to August, according to several indices of new mortgage contracts. October rates so far have remained fairly stable. The National Average Contract Mortgage Rate for the Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes by Combined Lenders Index was 3.99 percent for loans closed in late August, down 3… Read More

uyers Frequently Asked Questions, Advice for Home Sellers , Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Home Buyers Ask – I know how much I can afford, should I still get pre-qualified?

And I always answer, absolutely! Pre-qualification or Pre-approval is the clout behind your offer. Your Realtor will have much more power in negotiating for you when your contract is accompanied by proof of your capability to purchase. In addition, pre-qualification saves time, yours and mine. With pre-approval your lender will delve into credit, employment and… Read More

young home buyers going over paperwork with their Realtor - Millennials buying homes - Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952 - Arizona Real Estate

Some Practical Advice for First Time Home Buyers

Before you even begin, remove the words “overwhelming”, “complicated”, “exhausting”, “disappointing”, from your vocabulary. I do not believe in scare tactics and none of these things should be allowed to effect your home search. Having said that, owning a little nervousness is not only natural but probably a very healthy approach to a significant investment.There… Read More

Helpful Tips for Home Buyers - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Tip #1 from “A Heads-Up for Home Buyers, 11 Things You Might Not Have Thought About”

You can find the complete article “A Heads-Up for Home Buyers, 11 Things Your Might Not Have Thought About”  here, and additional home-buying hacks on my.      ~Bill #1. Look Left, Look Right, Then Look Again. Your contract contains a clause granting you a certain number of days for an inspection period. Do not just… Read More

Second Chances / Buying a Home Shortly After Foreclosure, Short Sale or Bankruptcy IS Possible

In spite of what you’ve heard it IS possible to buy a home shortly after Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, or a Short Sale. Offered by a reputable company, Peoples Mortgage, and a resourceful, caring Loan Originator, Don Hoover, this is a fantastic option. The video is very quick but you can get more information, just call or email me for details. Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley – 602-999-0952 –

Either Way, You’re Still Paying a Mortgage

Is it better to rent or to buy? I am an agent and a consultant for both. My viewpoint is that if you are able to buy a home, you should. Otherwise you are paying your Landlords mortgage sending him on vacation. There are more entries on the Pro side than on the Con. I offer Discounts on your purchase of a New Construction home. Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley – 602-999-0952