Foreclosed Home Owners Become New Crop of Buyers | Veterans Helping Veterans~ AZVHV _ Bill Salvatore / 602-999-0952 email: Realty Executives East Valley

4x6 slide copy updated 2011Great article by Daily Real Estate News!

Foreclosed Home Owners Become New Crop of Buyers

Daily Real Estate News |      Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Home owners who faced foreclosure a few years ago are back, and they increasingly want to buy a home again, mortgage brokers report.The Federal Housing Administration allows people who have lost their home to foreclosure to purchase a home again three years following a foreclosure.

“It’s an interesting phenomenon because, three or four years ago, these people were losing their homes. Now they’re out shopping for a new home,” says Chris Apodaca, a California mortgage broker. “It wasn’t swift and sweeping legislation that did it, simply a matter of perseverance. These folks waited three years and now they can buy again.”

About 1 million families enter foreclosure every year, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.

                                             ~Veterans helping Veterans~

           AZVHV                      Direct: 602-999-0952             ~ email:

Along the way, each of the participants in this program has been helped by another military member or veteran. We’ve never forgotten that person or the time we were in need. Though our gratitude was expressed, we feel that we owe more than just thanks, we owe action. Each of us involved in Veterans Helping Veterans is now in a position to give back. This site is our vehicle, and your resource.

Our ultimate mission is to help ALL veterans find somewhere to live, then make it a real home. A lofty goal I know, but if we never stop trying who can say that we never hit our target? For now we’ll start with you. Let us know what you’re looking for and how we can help.


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