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Home Renovation for (Less Than) the Cost of an iPhone

We’ve all heard and read about home renovations that can add value to our property. But those updates are pricy, right? Not always! There are a bucketload of projects that we can do to modernize our homes that don’t cost an arm-and-a-leg and that do, indeed, add value.

Sometimes value is in repairs, other times it’s simply aesthetics. Consider this- You’re looking to buy a home and you have the opportunity to compare two homes for sale that are similar in location, amenities and most importantly price. The only difference is appearance. One has pet-scratched woodwork, smudged paint on the walls, a small dent in the garage door and a weedy front lawn. None of these things would be deal breakers of course, all are easily and inexpensively remedied. But the other house you’re looking at has none of these issues. Which do you suppose you might choose?

Most home buyers are acutely aware of the cost of repairs and updates, if not in money than in time. The logical choice for any home buyer in the above scenario would be to opt for the alternative that’s the easiest to move right into and get on with their life… the one that is not in need of too much expenditure of either time or money.

Especially in our current Real Estate market, home sellers need to be attentive to the way buyers are seeing their home.  Keeping everything in working order is a given but we don’t always consider presentation. So many tasks around our homes can be accomplished in hours, generate thousands in sales price, and cost less than the price of a new phone.

Take a look at the suggestions below compiled by HomeAdvisor. You’ll also find a few of our own recommendations in red.

Home Renovation for (Less Than) the Cost of an iPhone By the Experts at HomeAdvisor
Editor’s Note: This was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. See what else is cookin’ now at

You may see that price tag of a new phone and think, “There is so much I could do with $1,000!”—and you’re right. With $1,000, you could buy a thousand donuts, fly to Europe and back, or you could tackle a home renovation, which will add value and character to your home. You may be surprised by the scope of projects you can pursue with a $1,000 budget. Here are a few to get you inspired.

Swap out your old front door.
The front door is a signature part of your home’s first impression. If you’re selling your property, a brand-new door in a flattering color can help draw buyers. If you’re renovating for yourself, you can choose a door that speaks to your personality and makes your house feel fresh. Front Door Installation: $900

Author’s Note: A new front door may not be cost prohibitive but if your door is in good condition, a simple paint job might do the trick! After all, first impressions truly are everything.

Give your bathroom an upgrade.
With this budget, you can have both your toilet and your sink replaced professionally. These two elements can instantly change the way your bathroom looks and feels. Seriously: Each installation takes less than two hours! If you’ve always wanted a porcelain vessel sink, consider treating yourself now. Sink Installation: $400.  Toilet Installation: $400

Author’s Note: Water conservation has become a hot topic, especially here in Arizona. Many contemporary home buyers are eco-conscious and well informed. The new toilet designs use a burst of pressure and much less water. A very capable DIY toilet installation can be accomplished with the assistance of a YouTube video and a little advice from your local home supply store.

Get the kitchen island you’ve been dreaming of.
Didn’t realize you could have kitchen island for less than $1k? Now that you know, it’s time to get to planning! These fixtures afford so many conveniences. You can chop and prepare foods, create an eating area, or use their drawers and cabinets for storage. You can get a medium moveable island with cabinets and a butcher block top for $225-$550. Built-in ones typically range in price from $500-$2,000. Kitchen Island Installation: $130-$2,000

Author’s Note: Not only are moveable kitchen islands stylish, but they’ve become a huge trend. There is no installation, and purchasing a kitchen island on line for delivery right to your door, is as easy as ordering your next phone case.

Ditch that rickety garage door.
An old garage door can make you feel less secure and bring down your curb appeal. With a new one, you can change up the color and style, and consider useful features like insulation. Some homeowners brave this as a DIY renovation, but that approach is not recommended. These doors are heavy, and if the electrical system is compromised during the installation, you could be looking at a big headache. Garage Door Installation: $1,000

Try your hand at a DIY project.
You can make some excellent additions to your property all on your own, with a little bit of handy work. Follow a step-by-step guide or buy a ready-made unit to guarantee correct installation, and you’ll be flying through the renovation like a pro. Here are a few which will come in under $1,000.

Add cabinets to your laundry room. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. Even one or two cabinets can make a huge difference, allowing you store laundry items out of sight and keep the room more manageable. Basic cabinets run about $150-$200 each.

Treat yourself to built-in bookshelves. It sounds more complicated than it has to be. You can actually purchase pre-made shelving units and install them yourself for $200-$500. Gather all of those books and knick-knacks from cluttered surfaces and integrate them into one cohesive, organized space.

Spruce up your outdoor space with a bistro patio. This is a big project, but it will be well worth it to have an outdoor gathering space for those good weather days. These patios are typically seven feet by seven feet, which is a perfect size for the DIY-inclined. Outfit it with a few chairs and a firepit, for casual nights under the stars. Materials cost anywhere from $400-$900.

Author’s Note: The outdoor areas around your home are more important than most people realize. Neatly trimmed bushes and trees, a small back patio with umbrella and some colorful seating, can go a long way toward adding character and charm to your home. Clearing away ALL debris, pet droppings, toys and other personal belongings should go without saying.

There are so many possibilities with a budget the size of an iPhone price tag. Each of them has the potential to add value to your house, by upping the curb appeal and creating useful amenities. If you have $1,000 to put toward a home renovation, you can make it go a long way with tons of  high-impact projects. Reprinted with permission from RISMedia. ©2017. All rights reserved.

If you’re thinking of selling your home, we’d be happy to take a quick look around and along with a sales price estimate, give you a detailed checklist of value-adding projects to get your home sold quickly and at the highest price.

For more information, Call or Text: 602-999-0952
Bill Salvatore / Arizona Elite Properties
Your Valley Property Team
Residential Sales, Marketing, and Property Management

Selling Arizona for more than 20 years

Founder: AZVHV Arizona Veterans Helping Veterans
Recipient: East Valley Tribune’s: Best Gilbert, Arizona Realtor

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