Flipped, remodeled, upgraded, repair, house - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valey - 602-999-0952

Video: All-Weather Home Improvement

Home Improvement projects - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - 602-999-0952Of course plumbing, major electrical and anything involving paint, are not advisable in cold winter weather. You don’t want to go anywhere near an attic during an Arizona Summer. But in addition to the ideas mentioned in this video, there are plenty of home improvement tasks that can be accomplished any time of the year. Adding shelving to closets and some interior lighting projects have been on my year-round to-do list for quite some time. On second thought, maybe it works out better having a limited time frame.

Video: All-Weather Home Improvement

Video Transcript: All-Weather Home Improvement

Welcome to Today’s Home Update, I’m Carrie.

Some home improvements are best completed during certain seasons, like adding a deck in Spring or insulating an attic in the Fall. But did you know, there are home projects you can do any time of the year?

Replacing windows is one example. These days, window materials are much more varied than the old wood standby. Water-resistant materials like vinyl or fiberglass don’t need a layer of paint so they can be installed any time of the year.

You can also prune trees any time of the year. If you enjoy the outdoors and warm weather, consider pruning during the Spring or Summer. If you’re having trouble figuring out which branches should be pruned, do it late fall or early winter when leaves won’t obstruct your view. No leaves also means less clean up.

You can also install an A/C unit any time of the year. While air conditioning units are frequently installed when temperatures rise, you can also accomplish this task in cooler months. If you’re searching for relief from heat, complete the project as soon as possible. If you’re comfortable waiting, consider installing in the off season. You may save a bundle in the process.

Thanks for watching. See you next time!

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