Soldiers Thank You - Send a Soldier a Smile - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Thinking Spring Cleaning? Think about our Troops. Think about Christmas.

“From sea to shining sea”, Spring cleaning is well underway. When this happens around our house, things are discovered that we haven’t seen for months. We’ve found winter cloths buried in the closet with tags still on, pool toys bought at an end-of-the-season-sale and never taken out of the box,  a vanishing magnifying glass (seriously)… Read More

9/11 – What did it mean to you?

Yesterday was 9/11. To some it was a very solemn occasion, others barely noticed its passing. The day was marked with everything from huge commemorative ceremonies to quiet, passive Healing Fields like the one pictured here, in Tempe, AZ. In stark contrast to that horrendous day in 2001, all were peaceful. There were however a… Read More