9/11 – What did it mean to you?

9/11 Healing Field in Tempe, Arizona

9/11 Healing Field in Tempe, Arizona

Yesterday was 9/11. To some it was a very solemn occasion, others barely noticed its passing. The day was marked with everything from huge commemorative ceremonies to quiet, passive Healing Fields like the one pictured here, in Tempe, AZ. In stark contrast to that horrendous day in 2001, all were peaceful.

There were however a handful of controversial incidents yesterday, maybe not disrespectful but at the very least insensitive. Boston, for instance, held mock rescue training… at the airport! Really? Someone specifically chose this day? Perhaps planning the event was the responsibility of one oblivious person but there were a lot of other people involved. Did no one question the wisdom of faking an airplane crash on that particular day?

A Wisconsin golf course owner advertised a promotion, $9.11 for a round of golf on 9/11. Now I know on the surface this appears to be offensive. But the huge outcry that it generated seems to me, just a little overblown. Most of us take for granted, Memorial Day sales on everything from cars to electronics. I don’t’ believe the golf course owner meant any disrespect but everyone can agree it was a bit tactless.

I think the take-away here is that it’s just too soon. It’s too soon to forget, and definitely too soon for anything that smacks of celebration.

I was only one of a very large group involved in assembling this year’s Healing Field in Tempe. The mood was not sad as I imagine it must have been at the first annual event. It was more introspective. Each of us had our own memories of that day and with every flag unloaded and placed in its receptacle, those memories resurfaced. But I noticed something else. The atmosphere was full of determination. I love that about our country. Fortunately the human condition dictates that we all eventually heal. The American condition dictates that we carry on… with tenacity.

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