Soldiers Thank You - Send a Soldier a Smile - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Thinking Spring Cleaning? Think about our Troops. Think about Christmas.

“From sea to shining sea”, Spring cleaning is well underway.

When this happens around our house, things are discovered that we haven’t seen for months. We’ve found winter cloths buried in the closet with tags still on, pool toys bought at an end-of-the-season-sale and never taken out of the box,  a vanishing magnifying glass (seriously) that we’ve had for years and is “always in that drawer” but of course wasn’t, a carload of glow in the dark bracelets bought for the grandkids a couple years ago and completely forgotten.

Christmas cards! I bet you’ll find boxes of them that you never sent last year. DO NOT throw them away! Believe it or not they are useful and practical right now!

Send a Soldier a Smile will be officially underway in October but right now may be the best time to get started. Send a Soldier a Smile - Military recognition program, Cards for Soldiers - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952Linda & Mike Wooten, creators of the program, are currently collecting the names and addresses of our troops deployed during the holiday season. They send cards to all branches of the military to remind them that they are not forgotten. Lynda & Mike organize events to raise funds for the program throughout the year. In the past they have had cooperation from organizations like the Girl Scouts and The Phoenix Suns. This is a HUGE undertaking and there are lots of ways you can help. There is a quick-submit form on the SMILE page on our site.

How can you help?

  • Send names and addresses of deployed troops to Lynda & Mike (always kept confidential)
  • Donate your new/unused Christmas cards.
  • Address cards and send to the Wootens (addressed envelopes should be left unsealed)
  • Volunteer time for a fundraiser

If you’d like to contribute in any way, if you want to help but don’t know what you can do, you can find a contact form here along with additional information about Send a Soldier a Smile.

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