AZVHV Veterans helping Veterans with all Real Estate needs.

AZVHV Veterans helping Veterans with all Real Estate needs.

via AZVHV Veterans helping Veterans with all Real Estate needs..

Since 2011, the number of Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and are either homeless or in some form of federal program aimed at keeping them off the streets has nearly tripled.

Despite the hundreds of millions ($300 million to be exact) the federal government devotes to this issue, up from $60 million in 2011, the numbers continue to climb.

Some experts site multiple deployments in combat zones, something many Veterans from previous conflicts didn’t have to endure, as one of the primary causes.

Others site the bad economy and the perception that all Veterans suffer from PTS or some other form of mental health issue as reasons that are preventing OEF/OIF Veterans from landing jobs – which in turn drives Veterans to the streets.

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