Rain and the Real Estate Market

Rain Showers over the . Taken inIt’s raining this morning. You might not think that’s a blog-worthy event but here in Arizona it’s a bit of a big deal, very close to cause for celebration. This is a light, steady rain, the kind we usually see in January. (Yes, we have a schedule for rain storms here) July Monsoons are typically explosive, fast moving, and late in the day. I don’t expect this to last, the sun always wins out in the end, but I’m enjoying my coffee on the patio and this welcome little shower while it lasts.

What does this have to do with real estate you might ask? Nothing. Nothing at all. Then again, I was just thinking, maybe I should do a study. You know what I think? I get more calls during a rain storm. Maybe the rain is energizing, or inspiring. Does rain make people want to shop? Are malls busier? There have been tons of studies on how rain affects our mood. Are home buyers influenced by the rain? Is the real estate market busier or more sluggish in areas with frequent precipitation?  Do homes in golf neighborhoods or lakes communities look more or less desirable? Maybe rainy climates influence home prices as well. Maybe rain in Arizona is an entirely different animal than rain in Washington state, at the very least the importance of pools and covered decks is influenced. I need another coffee and it’s getting way too humid out here. The sun is shining… the phone’s still ringing. Maybe it’s just rain.

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