laptop, smartphone and water bottle on desk in front of open window - Work from home, Home School - photo- Mikey Harris via Unsplash - Bill Salvatore, Your Valley Property Team - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

Recent Home Buying Trends Influenced by Remote Workers

Increased acceptance of working remotely has had an undeniable influence on home buying trends, here in Arizona and nationwide. Extra bedrooms or enclosed offices have replaced the open-air office spaces that decades ago gained favor with home buyer’s. People are moving farther out in the suburbs in order to afford additional space and more privacy…. Read More

laptop, smartphone and water bottle on desk in front of open window - Work from home, Home School - photo- Mikey Harris via Unsplash - Bill Salvatore, Your Valley Property Team - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

Is Your Home Work and School Friendly?

So, we’ve become acclimated to the chaos of working and schooling at home. But reality is, many of us are still struggling to optimize our approach to the unfamiliar phenomenon of loved ones being constantly underfoot. Most of us have established something of a routine. We’ve designated space for each individual activity and schedules have… Read More