three women and one man looking at houses on a computer screen - home buyers, home shopping, buyng a home - photo: mimi-thian-vdXMSiX-n6M-unsplash - Bill Salvatore, Your Valley Property Team - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

Great News! Affordable Homeownership Just Got Even More Affordable

A Big Break for Home Buyers In light of current real estate market conditions and FHA’s recent announcement, this is one of those rare occasions when the question is “do you want the good news… or the great news?” I’ll make your choice really easy, the great news first- if you’re considering applying for an… Read More

Real Estate Market Statistics graphic, Arizona Real Estate Market Recovery - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Arizona Elite Properties

How will Secondary Market Reform Affect the Home Buyers? No One Knows Yet

How Will Secondary Market Reform Affect the Home Buyers? No One Knows Yet. Home owners, potential home buyers and those in the Mortgage and Real Estate industry, have been watching closely since the financial crisis to get a sense of where the real estate market is going and when. So far market recovery has been… Read More