4 Ways Home Buyers Can Find Top Quality Real Estate – YES Location Counts

Quality is a matter of value, not a reflection of price. What is valuable to you may mean little to the next home buyer. Top quality in Real Estate commonly refers to lifestyle, enjoyment and suitability. Does ‘home’ conform to and enhance the way we want to live our lives? Your home’s location will certainly… Read More

Red neon OPEN sign with small white neon house on the corner - Open House, Safety, Security-Photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash - Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952 - Arizona Real Estate

The Before, Could be More Important than the Open House Itself

There are multiple things to keep in mind when considering whether or not an Open House can work for you. General traffic patterns in the neighborhood determine signage including where, how much, and the need for enhanced visibility in some instances. During what hours is traffic the heaviest, and more importantly what type of traffic… Read More