Google contributes far more than just help finding things on the internet. On their site you’ll find that Google provides massive support for a wide variety of altruistic endevors.
Today we noticed an article on GoodNewsNetwork. Google is providing 25,000 laptops to help Syrian Refugees assimilate into their new environment.
I can’t even imagine how impossibly painful it must be to uproot your family’s life, amidst unimaginable horror, and trek them to someplace steeped in the unknown. A new language, a new culture, no permanent home, no immediate means of support.
Through NetHope, a company that connects tech companies and non profits, Google is providing Chromebooks for both education and to aid refugees in rebuilding their lives.
By the way, this isn’t the first contribution Google has made to the refugee crisis. They previously donated $5.5 million, matching supporters contributions, to Doctors Without Borders and other humanitarian charities.
Kudos to you Google, on this Thank You Thursday. We’ll be looking at that familiar logo with a lot more respect from now on.