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Veteran walks across America to help feed homeless Vets

This may be the ultimate in Veterans helping Veterans. Along with making a personal pilgrimage, this US Army Veteran is raising awareness for the plight of homeless and injured Veterans across the nation.

This Fox News report explains Michael Robert’s selfless achievement and focuses on his message.


GILBERTSVILLE, PA ( — A US Army veteran has brought his dog with him on a walk across the nation, and along the way, he’s buying meals for homeless veterans.

He’s also reminding folks about the sacrifices of troops who’ve lost their limbs, and speaking out about the challenges vets face in getting jobs and medical care.

By helping others, it seems he’s also doing something for himself.

Strangers across the country have greeted army veteran Michael Roberts warmly, donating to his cause.

With his American flag overhead, and his dog Boots by his side, FOX News caught up with him on a recent morning in a rural town outside Philadelphia.

“I try to walk on streets or back roads,” Roberts said. “That to me is where true America is. That’s where the people that do matter are.”

He set off three months ago from his home in central Wisconsin on a mission to raise awareness about the problems veterans face.

“I’m a veteran, so I’ve got to do for my brothers,” he said.

Roberts acknowledges he’s dealt with some of these problems personally.

“On November 15 of last year, of 2014, I tried to commit suicide. I tried to OD. And that didn’t work. I woke up the next day very sick and with a bad headache,” he said. “And while I was unconscious I just had a dream. And I just saw myself walking.”

He has walked 1,000 miles so far, through seven different states, and says he’s just getting started.

His 8,000 mile route will eventually bring him to the West Coast and back, ending sometime next year.

But he’s not doing it all alone. Along with Boots, Roberts’ nephew has been keeping him company for the past few weeks.

“I looked up to him when I was younger. He was kind of like my hero,” David Aceto said. “So, it’s an honor to be walking with him.”

Roberts is also sharing his experience online, posting photos and videos of the sights he’s seen, and the memorials he’s visited. He says he’s sharing his experience for amputee veterans who may never get the chance to see these places themselves.

“They’ve given more than I’ve given,” he said. “They’ve given body parts.”

His message is really having an impact on the folks he meets along the way.

“He’s marching for our veterans, and I don’t think we do enough for them,” said Keith Folk, a man who donated to Roberts’ cause.

Roberts says he has received a lot of positive feedback from the people he’s met along the way.

“I’m told i’m making a difference,” he said. “I don’t see it. I see a road.”

But as he walks down that road, he says he knows of at least one veteran who’s benefiting as a result.

“I’m finding out who I am. And you know all those negative thoughts going to my mind and the demons that I fight on a daily basis, they get less and less each day,” Roberts said.

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