CO detector sitting on the footboard in a bedroom - carbon monoxide alarm - CO detector - home health and safety - Bill Salvatore, Your Valley Property Team, Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

Who Needs Carbon Monoxide Detectors?

Carbon monoxide is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Virtually undetectable by humans, it is highly toxic. Most builders are required to install carbon monoxide alarms in residential new construction. I might argue that every home should have at least one carbon monoxide detector. The most likely culprits? Gas appliances, hot water heaters, fireplaces, coal, pellet and… Read More

New Construction, Discount, New Homes in Arizona - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Ariozna Elite Properties - 602-999-0952

Video: Beware of New Home Flaws

The advice in this video is, in my humble opinion, priceless. I always, ALWAYS, suggest that a home buyer have an in-depth home inspection, but very often the buyer of a New Construction home believes that because the home is brand new there can’t be anything to fix. Wrong! Home Builders attention is divided among… Read More

Home Buyers, Home Inspections - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Big ideas for small spaces.

With the new popularity of tiny homes and smaller living spaces we may need to rethink our furniture. Furniture has been getting bigger and bigger in recent years and that’s night not going to work well with a view of your future home. Just because a room is small in square footage doesn’t mean it… Read More

My Rant for Today… A FREE service could have saved this man a lot of aggravation.

I’ve blogged before about the ‘Let Joe Know’ segment on ABC15 in Phoenix. Not only is it informative but they actually get results. I’ve also blogged before about the importance of having a Buyer Agent (a FREE service by the way) when you first contact or visit a New Construction site. Here’s just one example…. Read More

HUD Home Buyer and New Construction Statistics - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Are you keeping up with the Jonses? Fun interactive infographic.

How different is your current home from the typical newly built home? Click the link below and find out using a fun interactive infographic from the Census Department. – click for HUD Interactive Infographic – Highlights of Annual 2013 Characteristics of New Housing from HUD via Housing and Urban Development Website. Of the 569,000 single-family… Read More