Two women in a business office looking at a laptop and paperwork - Single Home Buyers, Milennial Investors, Best Cities, Investing in Real Estate - Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952 - Single Home Buyers

Market Conditions Motivate Home-Buying Millennials

Who are the Home Buyers? A large percentage are Millennials. What’s motivating the current Millennial home-buying frenzy? First and foremost, interest rates! Rates have remained at historical lows, partly in an effort to maintain the strength of the housing market, but that’s not the only force driving home buyers. As the RIS media post below… Read More

laptop, smartphone and water bottle on desk in front of open window - Work from home, Home School - photo- Mikey Harris via Unsplash - Bill Salvatore, Your Valley Property Team - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

Is Your Home Work and School Friendly?

So, we’ve become acclimated to the chaos of working and schooling at home. But reality is, many of us are still struggling to optimize our approach to the unfamiliar phenomenon of loved ones being constantly underfoot. Most of us have established something of a routine. We’ve designated space for each individual activity and schedules have… Read More

woman with eyes closed sitting by open window with bright greenery and leaves beyond - quiet space, private office, meditation room, photo credit natalia-figueredo-f1O4eekgz44-unsplash - Bill Salvatore, Your Valley Property Team - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

5 Tips to Find That Much Needed Quiet Space in Your Home

Increasingly, today’s home buyers are looking for a retreat from the physical and mental pressure of their constantly hectic lives. A sense of community and togetherness continues to be meaningful to most buyers, but the current trend seems to be leaning more toward the need for a bit of quiet separation. As a matter of… Read More

Wood desk and matching wood bookcase visible through partially open double doors - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

Video: How to Upgrade Your Home Office

According to BankRate, more than 13 million Americans work from home. That makes a home office one of the most requested features for today’s home buyers. Home offices range from a private, dedicated space to an unused back bedroom. Some home buyers require an independent, outside entrance, some have need of additional space to welcome… Read More