silhouettes of several people walking hand-in-hand in front of a sunset

What’s New in Homebuying: Multi-Generational Living

Real Estate markets fluctuate daily but one industry trend has persisted for years- the most common expression is ‘lack of inventory’. It has been the motivation behind most of our ongoing problems with the real estate market. Home prices soared because of low inventory and current home buyers are in limbo for the same reason…. Read More

hand holding smartphone with interest rate info displayed, credit: austin-distel-EMPZ7yRZoGw-unsplash - Bill Salvatore, Your Valley Property Team - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

Applying for a Mortgage? Learn the Lender Lingo! (#1-Types of Lenders)

Shopping for a home before you’ve nailed down your price range is not only unwise but can be truly disappointing. You may have a vague idea of what you can afford, but before you’ve talked with a lender, it’s hardly possible to grasp all the costs involved or the options available to you including those… Read More

New Construction, Discount, New Homes in Arizona - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Ariozna Elite Properties - 602-999-0952

Are New Home Sales in Free-Fall?

More New Construction listed in MLS can only mean one thing. Numbers for the sale of brand new homes are down. Developers do not typically welcome the necessity to list their properties in MLS (more on that later). Recently I’ve noticed a considerable uptick in MLS listings for New Construction homes. I would suggest this… Read More

Employment - Jobs - Working People - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Arizona Elite Properties

Where the Jobs Are: 7 Industries Ramping Up to Hire

By Barbara Pronin If you or someone you know will graduate with bachelor’s degree next spring, it’s time to spruce up your resume. A national recruiting trends survey administered by Michigan State University indicates the job market will be strong for 2016 graduates, with hiring expected to increase a minimum of 15 percent over last… Read More