Real Estate Market Statistics graphic, Arizona Real Estate Market Recovery - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Arizona Elite Properties

How will Secondary Market Reform Affect the Home Buyers? No One Knows Yet

How Will Secondary Market Reform Affect the Home Buyers? No One Knows Yet. Home owners, potential home buyers and those in the Mortgage and Real Estate industry, have been watching closely since the financial crisis to get a sense of where the real estate market is going and when. So far market recovery has been… Read More

Appraisal form partially filled out, with pen lying on top - Appraisal, What's My Home Worth, Home Value, Free Market Analysis - Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952- Arizona Real Estate

Agents and Appraisers Express Concern Over FHA Appraisal Policies

Agents and Appraisers Express Concern Over FHA Appraisal Policies– I’d be curious to hear what your experience has been. I am absolutely one of the people who has expressed misgivings about a recent FHA appraisal or three, including accuracy, inflexibility and the snail’s pace. I don’t exactly find any of this surprising, just disappointing and… Read More

Mortgage rates, mortgage regulation, money, house - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - 602-999-0952

Video: Less Rigid Mortgage Guidelines? It’s about time!

I’ve noticed a slight loosening in Mortgage regulations lately. Several lenders I have worked with or am acquainted with, have been telling me about programs with lower credit score requirements and even smaller down payment options. This video explains a bit of what’s been going on.   Additional Resources for Home Buyers A Heads Up… Read More