Military couple and flag - Veteran Home Buyers FORUM

Phoenix Valley Among Top Metro Areas for Millennial-Veteran Home Buyers

I’m detecting a subtle shift in the demographics of home buyers lately, at least among a large segment of my clientele. I frequently handle VA transactions but in recent years my Veteran consumers seem to be younger, indeed many fall into the under 40 category commonly known as Millennials. —  — Veterans and Military Members… Read More

Home buyers, Family with Kids, Moving Children, Happy Family - Bill Salvatore, Arizona Real Estate - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

Moving with Kids is a Whole Other Can of Worms

So why is May to August prime-time for Real Estate sales? It mostly comes down to families with kids. For obvious reasons, parents would prefer moving during the Summertime, Real Estate’s infamous ‘busy season’. “Before the kids start school” is most often the #1 item on a parent’s home buying wish list. But of course… Read More

HUD / VA Cooperation for Native American Veteran services

HUD Reports Promising Decline in Veteran Homlessness

HUD Reports Promising Decline in Veteran Homelessness We’ve talked a bit lately about the push to end Veteran homelessness, and in a recent Thank You Thursday we recognized Tucson for their massive efforts and in fact their success. Prescott, Arizona has also made great inroads into stopping Veteran homelessness in its tracks with Stagger Straight… Read More