Tip #5 – Not Your Daddys Home Selling Tips

12 Suggestions for Surviving Today’s Real Estate Market Tip #5. Look Before You… Well, You Know. As a homeowner planning improvements, you should always keep your entire neighborhood in the back of your mind. Sound a little extreme? Surely you would concede that a million dollar home in a hundred thousand dollar neighborhood will never… Read More

The Granite Mountain Hotshots, One Year Later

Mathematician and Meteorologist Edward Lorenze coined the phrase “butterfly effect” theorizing that the flap of a butterfly’s wings could, weeks later, influence the progress of a hurricane. The theory is of course much more in-depth than that, but the upshot is that a very small occurrence can have enormous and unforeseen consequences. Exactly one year… Read More

I Want to Just Listen

I don’t have any personal connection to D-Day. I don’t know anyone who landed on the Northern shores of France that day, or flew support missions as a precursor or over the battlefield. Though I would love to meet someone who served during that action, oddly I never have. I can’t even imagine the composite… Read More