If it soothes your soul, say it!

Has anyone else been thinking that more and more network television programing is crap?

Every single day a little bit larger portion of the news is blatant advertising. I’m not talking about the obvious ads, the ones that we can choose to mute or fast forward through, I’m talking about actual news stories. I am no less than astonished by what they would have us believe is news. Seriously, is the result of last night’s text poll on which couple we chose to be kicked off Dancing with the Stars really news? Really? The people who watched Dancing with the Stars last night already know this and the ones who didn’t, don’t care. Either way, how do we not get that this is not news? I appreciate and am indeed thankful that there are not enough police shootings, fatal accidents and car-jacked babies to fill a half hour. But surely SOMETHING is going on in the world that is newsworthy. Has no one noticed this trend or have we just not fussed about it? Are we so complacent that whatever they choose to funnel into our brain is perfectly alright with us?

Thinly disguised as informative, ABC 15 in Phoenix, Arizona has this… thing… they call Sonoran Living Live. This “show” is extensively marketed as something akin to what we all now recognize as a morning show, you know, like Today or Good Morning America. (and those are a rant for another day) Sonoran Living Live is very clearly nothing more than one segment of paid self-promotion after another, but it is proudly presented to the public as talk-show style programing.

My job allows me to hang around the house a lot of mornings (naturally right after the gym) and every single one of these mornings I have to ask myself, “Who watches this drivel??” I must confess I did actually watch Sonoran Living Live once. Just once, and In all honesty I couldn’t take my eyes off it. It’s like watching a train wreck, you are horrified but helpless. You simply cannot look away. “Let’s talk with this home security expert… could you please alarm us, I mean tell us which alarm we should not live without Mr. Home Security Expert, and though money should be no object when you are saving our lives, tell us how much will this cost us?” “How can we be of assistance to these poor folks suffering with unattractive body features Ms. Plastic Surgeon, and I bet you have an incredible deal on tap for us today.” “Tell us all about this irresistible salad that magically appeared on the table in front of us and I’m so sorry there is no time for a recipe because, what restaurant is it that you own Mr. Chef?” All the while when I wasn’t contemplating suicide, I was contemplating the kind of person who watches this EVERY DAY because it is in fact, on every day. Who exactly are these people and what kind of vacuum do they live in? Related but irrelevant, is plastic surgery truly the way you want to go?

My point is this… ok, I have no point. This is nothing more than a cathartic tirade.

I feel better.


Bill Salvatore – Owner / Realtor / Veteran

Realty Executives East Valley / Gilbert, Arizona

Phone: 602-999-0952

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