FAQ for Buyers


I know how much I can afford, should  I still get pre-qualified?

I know how much I can afford, should  I still get pre-qualified?

I know how much I can afford, should I still get pre-qualified?
Absolutely. Pre-qualification is the clout behind your offer. I will have much more power in negotiating for you when your contract is accompanied by proof of your capability to purchase. Note: in Arizona it is required that an offer to purchase be accompanied by a Pre-Qualification letter. Bill Salvatore / www.yourValleyProperty.com

Absolutely. Pre-qualification is the clout behind your offer. I will have much more power in negotiating for you when your contract is accompanied by proof of your capability to purchase.  Note: in Arizona it is required that an offer to purchase be accompanied by a Pre-Qualification letter. Bill Salvatore / www.yourValleyProperty.com

see more question via FAQ for Buyers.


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