Yet another thing I didn’t know.

Gilbert CenterThere are so many good reasons for supporting local businesses. Not only do they keep our communities active and vital, they improve the very nature of our neighborhoods by minimizing vacancies in surrounding commercial developments, by affording an outlet for specialized skills, and developing that unique personality that makes others want to live here. As an added bonus according to the SBA, small business in the U.S. provides 49.2 percent of private sector employment.

In our prevailing society of frenetic schedules and unlimited choices, I find it a comfort to know that my favorite barber is right around the corner, and my emergency roofer is just a phone call and mere minutes away. From expert photography (my daughter is a whiz-kid) to ethnic catering (Mexican is my personal favorite but I cannot cook it) all the skills I lack are made irrelevant by the convenience of local talent. As a result I’m always happy to introduce an entrepreneur that I’ve stumbled across.

For our friends here in the Phoenix valley, allow me introduce you to Dan Reynolds “The Smoke Detector Man”, retired firefighter, smoke detector expert, and all-around great guy. Did you know that smoke detectors have an expiration date? I did not! The minutiae that Dan can pass on about your smoke detectors is truly eye opening! Give Dan a call: 480-510-2111. You can also find Dan on this site,, click Partners.

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