What’s wrong with our Son?

Our son has a major grievance, or at least you might think so if you were here when he visits.

He hates (that is not too strong a word, it is his exact word) our remote control. He’s barely got it out of the charger and here it comes… “I hate this thing”! If he didn’t squawk about it every time I’d immediately hit the floor in shock. We’ve had one version or another of “this thing” for years and it’s AWESOME! This is one of Logitech’s top-of-the-line universal remotes and it controls not only our TV, receiver, surround sound, DVD player, the iPod, streaming media box, and the cable company’s DVR, but it really does control the universe. I am convinced that we would not survive without it. We’ve never tried and I don’t want to.

Anyone who knows us will tell you we’re not exactly the kind of people who feel a need to have the best of everything, but this is important stuff. “This thing” calls out to us every morning, a sort of gentle admonishment that it’s well past the time to make coffee. It informs us when it’s uncomfortable or it needs to be fed, and shows us the error of our ways when one of the many indispensable components of entertainment is unhappy. At our request it will literally walk us through, step by step, all of the things about our electronic menagerie that would otherwise baffle us. Believe me, that’s a lot of things. It even shuts the whole shootin`match down when it perceives that we’ve had enough fun and are ready to sleep. (ok, that’s baloney, we’re not really sure why it’s doing that) My point is, “I love this thing”!

Our son is by no means technically challenged, he knows far more about… well, about everything than we do so I just don’t get it. He’s an otherwise caring human being, where did we go wrong? How could he be so hostile to (of course I mean about) our remote? I bet he’d love it if only he knew that without it, we’d have to call him every time we experienced even a minor malfunction. Hmmm, so maybe we’re the ones that need the attitude adjustment. We are pretty close to our son but it appears that we might be a lot closer without the remote.

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