Arizona Outdoors… All Year Around

You’re probably thinking “are you kidding me? Arizona outdoors in Summer, you must be insane” Granted our other eight months are absolutely ideal for outdoor activity and Summertime is HOT. I may in fact be insane, but I wouldn’t lie to you. People really do hike here in 110 degrees (I do not). My neighbor loves to run, usually in the hottest part of the afternoon (I do not, I swear I get sweaty just seeing him run). I have however, learned to love early mornings when the pool water is warmer than the air and landscaping actually looks like something I might like to do.

The Phoenix Zoo schedules a bunch of Summertime activities (I personally do not like the zoo in the summertime), and the Botanical Garden is amazing this time of year (though I am more inclined to go around Christmas). At Boyce Thompson Arboretum there is a remarkably shady grove of enormous Eucalyptus trees that actually does feel cooler all year-round (I’ve been there, It’s still hot but I guess everything is relative).

We have superb local resorts and they offer fantastic vacation and stay-cation packages. (I prefer San Diego, but hey, that’s just me). There are several premier water parks (yikes, too many kids) and tubing on the Salt River is never a bad idea. Boating, fishing, or kayaking on any one of our valley lakes is a pleasant pastime. There’s the Dolly Steamboat on Canyon Lake and Saguaro Lake has the Desert Belle  (I’ve never tried either of these but they always look like fun) Most communities have concerts and art walks scheduled for evenings throughout the Summer.

You’re starting to get the idea, right? There is no end of Summertime activity right here in the valley, not to mention hundreds of cooler options just a few hour’s drive north, east, or west (south is still hot).

What do I like, you ask? At the very top of my short-list: Sitting by the pool with a glass of lemonade (seriously? They call this the bad season??) And Golf. Funny how you never feel the heat when you’re golfing. I’ve been on the golf course in 110 degrees. It’s not any different than golfing at 65 degrees except it’s far less expensive. I don’t really get that but I’m not complaining. You can golf practically free here this time of year and most courses offer awesome little perks like a free golf cart or lunch. Hmmmm… free lunch… I love Arizona in the Summertime!

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