AZVHV – Veterans helping Veterans with their Real Estate needs!

Thank goodness for Google Calendar. My schedule changes from minute to minute and I wouldn’t have it any other way because I love what I do.

| AZVHV – Veterans helping Veterans with their Real Estate needs!

via | AZVHV – Veterans helping Veterans with their Real Estate needs!.

Thank goodness for Google Calendar. My schedule changes from minute to minute and I wouldn’t have it any other way because I love what I do.

Believe it or not, my military background prepared me well for a career in real estate. I grew up an army brat, in Massachusetts… and Texas, and France, and Rhode Island, then carried on the family tradition as an MP in Alabama, Germany, Maryland, Kentucky (waking up in Fort Knox is certainly an eye-opener). I’m sure you get the picture. A service member’s schedule is never their own, your life can change in an instant. Mine still does.

Bill Salvatore

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