This blog was published on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 2021.
So many holidays are conveniently celebrated on a Monday. I get it. I, like most people, will welcome a long weekend all day long. But Monday holidays tend to get lost in the shuffle. We remember that we have Monday off but we don’t often think about why.
Veterans Day is a tribute to all Veterans living or dead, but unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day especially honors living Veterans who served their country during war or peacetime. This is not one of those ‘Monday’ holidays, and with good reason. Veterans Day occurs on a fixed day due to the historical significance of the date.
The History Channel explains that Veterans Day, originally Armistice Day, occurs on November 11 every year in the United States in remembrance of the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918, the moment that signaled the end of World War I. Great Britain, France, Australia and Canada also commemorate Veterans each year on or near November 11th.
In recognition of all of our Veterans, to whom our nation’s freedom has been entrusted, we are honored to dedicate this Thank You Thursday to you and to express our deepest respect and most sincere gratitude!
For more information, Call or Text: 602-999-0952
Bill Salvatore / Arizona Elite Properties
Your Valley Property Team®
Realtor® / Veteran
Residential Sales, Marketing, and Property Management
Selling Arizona for more than 18 years
Founder: AZVHV Arizona Veterans Helping Veterans
Recipient: East Valley Tribune’s: Best Gilbert, Arizona Realtor