Thank You Thursday - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite Properties

Thank You Thursday – It’s Just a Bag of Flour

huge bag of flour laying on a desk beside paper and pens, phone, flyers and mouse pad - Thank You Thursday - It's Just a Bag of Flour - Bill Salvatore, Your Valley Property Team - Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952Except it’s not.

Three years ago I had decided it was time for a life change. I was searching for a new Real Estate firm to work with, and after months of in-depth meetings with brokers and sales managers, I quickly eliminated all of the large, impersonal, corporate-owned companies.

Arizona Elite Properties, a smallish, family-owned and operated brokerage, stood out for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the welcoming and inclusive atmosphere in their office. Bob and Mary Kline made me feel right at home from the minute I met them. So I made the giant leap. I’m glad I did and I’ve never looked back.

As soon as the Coronavirus hit, the ‘stay at home’ recommendation seemed curiously, to panic many folks and mass hording quickly followed. Store shelves were, and still are to a lesser extent, emptied out. The first thing we had trouble finding, at any cost, was bread. “No big deal” my wife says, ” I haven’t made bread in a long time. We’ll just make our own”. As it turns out, flour was also nowhere to be found and we had used our last.

In a casual conversation about the best way to get along in the face of social distancing, both personally and in relation to the Real Estate business, I happened to mention to Bob the difficulty we were having finding flour in the stores. It was one of a hundred things we’d discussed and meant very little at the time. Later that afternoon, Bob called to tell me that the wholesale store where he was shopping, had plenty of flour and asked if we wanted him to grab some while he was there. I was sure I’d be able to find it sooner or later so I thanked him for calling and told him it was really not a problem, we’d find some later. We didn’t.

The photo above is the 25lb bag of flour that Bob and Mary left on my desk in the office that same evening.

The advantages of working for a small, family-owned business are countless, and oddly, a bag of flour is now right at the top of that list.

This Thank You Thursday post is in gratitude to Bob and Mary Kline, owners and managers of Arizona Elite Properties. Your expertise and professionalism is always appreciated, and your kindness is all the proof I need, that I indeed selected the right company.

For more information, Call or Text: 602-999-0952
Bill Salvatore / Arizona Elite Properties
Your Valley Property Team
Residential Sales, Marketing, and Property Management

Founder: AZVHV Arizona Veterans Helping Veterans
Recipient: East Valley Tribune’s: Best Gilbert RealtorRound gray and black badge with red Gilbert banner for East Valley Tribunes Best Agent Award - Best of Gilbert Real Estate Agent - Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952 - Arizona Real Estate

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