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A 5 Point Checklist for Home Buyers, to Buy You Peace of Mind

House Hunting 101: You’ve found “The One”. Now what?

Home Inspector checking plumbing - Home Inspection, Home Repairs - Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952 - Arizona Real EstateYou’ve covered all the obvious items on your wish list, and your Home Inspector has done his thing. You’ve read the home inspection report and considered the time and money that will be required for you to make the home livable and comfortable. But a home inspector is more of a surface-checker and there are a few things deep inside or surrounding the property that only you or a specialist can be certain about. Oh and I might add, that while it seems obvious it’s surprising how often it’s overlooked… did you check the room sizes?

A heads-up for Home Buyers… Is there a Home Warranty on the property? If so consider keeping it in place through at least your first year of ownership. You are buying systems and appliances that you are not familiar with and any quirks or malfunctions may not be immediately apparent. Even if there is no home warranty in place at the time of sale, I always make sure that my home buyer clients are aware that they have the option of purchasing one.

New House? 5 Things to Investigate Before Moving In.

By Kara Masterson. Editor’s Note: This was originally published on RISMedia’s blog, Housecall. See what else is cookin’ now at

Buying a new home is an exciting process that marks a new chapter in your life. For many people, it’s fun to shop around and tour several properties. But when you decide you’ve found ‘The One’ and you’re serious about purchasing a home, there are a few important features to check before you finalize your purchase.

____The Neighborhood
You need to feel comfortable with the character of the neighborhood which in turn, will influence the value of your home. Look at the condition of surrounding homes and check neighborhood activity at different times of the day. The house should also be in acceptable proximity to your job, or nearby schools if you have children. Regardless of whether or not you have school age kids, you may think about purchasing a home in a highly rated school district as this will have an impact on property values.

____Storage Space
The storage space that is available inside and out of the home will determine how much clutter will accumulate in living spaces. Look for plenty of storage area in bedroom closets, kitchen, basements where available, attic and garage to ensure that you can comfortably tuck away everything that you own without feeling disorganized.

____Plumbing System
Your Home Inspector will scrutinize any obvious plumbing issues. But before you move in, check again! Run the faucets to ensure adequate water pressure and search for any visible leaks. You may want to hire a professional to check that related systems like the water heater, heating system and/or air conditioning are working efficiently.

The roof is one of the more costly features of the home and protects the interior and your belongings from damage. It may be wise to hire a professional roofer to determine the lifespan of roofing materials and if it might need repairs. Tiles or shingles should be secure, and there should be no evidence of seepage.

____Sufficient Drainage
Many buyers make the mistake of overlooking drainage, but standing water and faulty grades can cause major headaches. Insufficient drainage can lead to severe structural damage and pest infestation. If your home inspector calls either of these out as being a problem, make sure it is addressed before you move in.

Although it can be easy to instantly fall in love with that dream home, before buying you need to look at it as an investment. When you’ve taken the time to carefully inspect each component of the property, you’re buying peace of mind.

Reprinted with permission from RISMedia. ©2017. All rights reserved.

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Bill Salvatore / Arizona Elite Properties
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More Resources for Home Sellers and Home Buyers

Our Buyer’s FAQ page has 9 of the most frequently asked questions from Home Buyers, along with 10 additional resources for Home Buyers at the bottom of the page.

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Thinking of Selling your home? First check out our 9 FAQs for Sellers. Then read on, there are 9 additional resources for Home Sellers at the bottom of the page.

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