A heartfelt Thank You Thursday. This is why we do what we do.

Thursday Thank You - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite PropertiesThis past Saturday there was a massive fire in an apartment complex under construction in the town of Gilbert, AZ. This site is surrounded by heavily occupied residential neighborhoods. businesses and town offices. The fire evolved into a 5 alarm event and according to Arizona News12 over 100 firefighters responded. A large number of police officers were called in to evacuate nearby residences and to keep people and vehicles away from danger. The video clips below were taken from across the street and sent to us by a friend.

I live about a mile from the corner of Warner and Gilbert Roads where the fire took place, and the billowing black smoke I could see from our house told a frightening tale. The construction site was completely destroyed, roads, bushes and cars in a nearby complex were damaged but miraculously, thanks to our dedicated and remarkable heroes, no one lost their home, there were no major injuries and no lives lost.

Of course we all know our taxes pay the salaries of public servants, and most folks support police and fire departments through donations when they can, but none of this is enough to thank people who lay their lives on the line for us every day.

I am a Realtor and a very proud member of Heroes Home Advantage cash-back* program. Many, many times I’ve been asked by fellow Realtors, why I would choose to give away a portion of my commission, “After all” they say, “it is your paycheck and you have earned it”. I always patiently explain but I almost feel like I shouldn’t have to. THIS is why. This, and a million other selfless things that our heroes do every day, things that are brave and honorable, and that we’re not skilled enough or inspired enough or courageous enough to do for ourselves. By the way I’ve never felt that I was giving anything away, it’s simply giving back.

We Thank You, Firefighters and Police Officers everywhere. We truly do appreciate you this Thank You Thursday and every single day of our lives.

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Learn about the AZVHV Heroes Home Advantage cash-back program. NO cost, NO pre-registration, NO obligation.

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Other Valuable Resources

AZVHV – Arizona Veterans Helping Veterans

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* Actual cash back credit is equal to 25% of agent’s individual client-related commission, and will be applied to your closing costs. Must be a client of, and have signed agreement with Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties. Total cash back may include discounts on other services such as mortgage financing fees or rates, home inspection, home owner’s insurance, or other purchase/sale related services. Discounts and cash back amount must appear on Settlement Statement **Heroes Home Advantage cannot be combined with other Realtor discount programs.


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