Thank You Thursday - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite Properties

A Thank You for everyday from Thank You Thursday

Thursday Thank You - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite PropertiesWe’ve cited as a source in several of our Thank You Thursday posts in the past. It’s one of our favorite websites and we visit every chance we get.

They’ve been around since 1997 and their contention is that “good news itself is not in short supply; the broadcasting of it is“. We firmly agree. This site is a truly uplifting read. It’s full of REAL news stories that have been overlooked or dismissed by mainstream news sites.

There’s a quote somewhere out there that I’ve never been able to pin down, so please forgive me for not crediting an author. It goes like this: “What consumes your mind controls your life“. Do you recall the stories you listened to on the news this morning? Bet you’re still thinking about some of them. So now think about them a little more and tell me, is this the kind of thing you want controlling your life?

If you’ve never visited GoodNewsNetwork before, give it a go, you’ve got nothing to lose but negativity. You need only to read the testimonials in the sidebar to grasp how desperate people have become to stop being bombarded with hate and gloom and violence all the time.

This Thank You Thursday we are compelled to express our gratitude to GoodNewsNetwork. We turn to you for relief when everyday life gets in the way of everyday happiness.

There aren’t too many things that deserve our thanks simply for their existence, but today we Thank You, GoodNewsNetwork, just for being there.


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