Referral Thank You - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Arizona Elite Properties

Today I was recommended by someone I don’t even know.

Today I found out that I was recommended by someone I don’t even know.

Real Estate agents are an odd lot. Among the brood attracted to this profession there doesn’t appear to be a type, unless that type is ‘different’. Lawyers and Engineers seem to have just been born that way. Computer geeks are recognizable from a mile away. I’ve never met a construction worker or a contractor that wasn’t simply a good ole’ pal. Members of the Military carry themselves with a certain pride. CPAs are universally cool and unruffled. Politicians… too obvious. But I bet you’d never be able to identify a Real Estate agent unless they told you, and ok, I’ll admit that most won’t hesitate to tell you.

I like to think that I operate on a different plane than the average Real Estate professional. I have never, and I mean NEVER, sat in an office and waited for the phone to ring. I don’t require folks to register for my website or promise their first-born for a property search, I’ll set up an MLS search for anyone who asks and I don’t hound people while they’re making up their mind. I won’t try to scare you by telling you the transaction will be confusing, stressful, complicated or exhausting. If I’m doing my job right the process will be none of these things.

What I do is ask a ton of questions. Then tell you everything I know. I concede to doing my fair share of self promotion, but I’d really rather be helpful and I think this is where a modicum of success has crept in.

The Real Estate business is reliant on referrals and recommendations. Happy clients will tell their friends. And I am eternally grateful each and every time this happens. My reputation is really all that I have to market. Listings come and go. Your company or brokerage’s promotion is out of your hands. All you have to sell is yourself and a good reputation is invaluable.

Today I discovered that I was on the receiving end of a very special referral. Someone I don’t even know recommended me purely on the basis of some helpful information that I had posted on Facebook. I always try to put real, valuable, significant bits of intelligence out there. I really do care that what I post is accurate and that it will be of genuine interest and assistance to someone.

I’d really love to thank my anonymous advocate. This was a surprising and treasured complement and a testament to the value of paying attention to your reputation.

note: between the writing and publishing of this blog, I asked my new client if he was comfortable revealing the name of my anonymous supporter. He was, she has been thanked, and I am still in awe.

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