Thank You Thursday - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite Properties

Drum Roll Please… seriously, our Thank You Thursday goes to…

Thursday Thank You - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite PropertiesDrum Roll Please… seriously, our Thank You Thursday goes to…

I can’t wait any longer to express my appreciation to the individual responsible for declaring National (whatever) Days.

I just have to admire the fact that virtually EVERYTHING has a day of it’s own; ‘Brownies’, ‘Turtles’, ‘Curling’, even ‘Quiet’ for pete’s sake! With unique calendar days limited to 365, it only stands to reason that lots of things will end up sharing a day but you get what I mean right?

Most National (Whatever) Days are by degrees amusing and entertaining, and almost all of them include at least one food item so there you have it, every day can be a tasty day. Yesterday for instance was National Tortilla Chip Day, one of my personal favorites and certainly you have to agree, one of the tastiest.

Today might be the all-time tastiest National Day ever and to top it off there’s bit of irony thrown in to fulfill the amusement and entertainment requirement. Ready for this? Today, Thursday, February 25, 2016 is:

National ‘Clam Chowder’ Day

National ‘Chocolate-Covered Peanuts’ Day

National ‘Chili’ Day

… and Drum Roll Please…

National ‘Lets All Eat Right’ Day

You think I’m making this up don’t you? You’d be wrong. One of my favorite websites, will confirm that every day is National Something-or-Other Day and because it’s been widely established that information found on random web sites is invariably reliable you have no choice but to take this very seriously.

So I award today’s Thank You Thursday to the brilliant albeit anonymous source of National (Whatever) Days. You’ve done a Great Job so far!! Do keep it up!

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