Thank You Thursday Pizza - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Arizona Elite Properties

Join us for Thank You Thursday’s National Pizza Week

Thursday Thank You - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite PropertiesThis past Tuesday was National Pizza Day. Seriously, who was it that saw fit to designate just ONE day to what is arguably the most enlightened culinary development of modern civilization? Do we not owe Pizza more respect than one day? Don’t you agree that a week would be far more appropriate?

Since childhood I’ve accepted without question that Pizza was the brainchild of the Italians and I’d love to keep right on believing it being that my name is ‘Salvatore’, but recently my world was profoundly crushed. The Italians did not invent Pizza, I’m told. To make up for my deep disappointment I’m declaring this National Pizza Week. Who’s with me?

We are greatly indebted to someone this Thank You Thursday. Sadly we’ve no idea who. The history of Pizza it would seem, is uncertain. Some say it was the Ancient Greek’s idea, others credit Babylonians, Israelites, Egyptians, Armenians, and the list goes on. I’ve even heard it rumored that the 6th century Chinese were minding the store where Pizza first emerged. WhatEVER! If it wasn’t the Italians I don’t really care who it was.

I would personally Thank You if I could but since you’ll undoubtedly be occupying a much higher plane in eternity than I ever have hopes of seeing, I’ll settle for dedicating this Thank You Thursday to the unknown architect of this masterpiece called Pizza.

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