girl with flag - THANK YOU - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - Arizona Elite Properties

Yes, it’s true… The VA deserves our appreciation this Thank You Thursday

Thursday Thank You - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite PropertiesI am well aware of the issues, some might even argue horrors, surrounding the VA medical system. Various accusations have been proven valid: delays, falsified records, mismanagement, but the most wide-spread and agreed upon complaint seems to be that no one is listening.

Today’s Thank You Thursday recognizes the Phoenix VA for stepping up, taking the first critical leap toward curing own their “deaf ear” syndrome.

A town-hall style meeting is scheduled in which staff, veterans and their families will have the opportunity to provide feedback and tell their personal story. Deborah Amdur, director of the VA Phoenix medical center, and Suzanne DeNeau-Galley, acting director of the VA Benefits Office will be in attendance to address immediate issues and plans for the future.

I’m not saying this will solve it all. But I’m very thankful that the folks who matter, the veterans, their families and their care-givers, will have an opportunity to clear the air, not just through the system or via formal paperwork, but plainly, candidly, face-to-face. These folks have earned the right to be heard.

So our Thank You Thursday goes to the Phoenix VA medical system for admitting the wrongs and for moving on. For opening your hearts and your minds, for caring and for listening.

***** The Town Hall meeting is tonight, January 21, 2015 at 6:30pm. The Public is welcome.
Ambulatory Care Center conference room, VA Medical
Center at Indian School Road and Seventh  Street, Phoenix AZ.



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