LeAnne Quimby - 1942-2015

Our Thank You Thursday is Dedicated to LeAnne Quimby

Thursday Thank You - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley - 602-999-0952The saying goes “You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone”. LeAnne Quimby, my co-worker and my friend is gone but LeAnne didn’t fit the cliché. She inspired respect and admiration LeAnne Quimbyevery day that she was here.

I think I’ll mostly feel the absence of the way LeAnne could always, and I do mean always, make me laugh. Her Real Estate clients will certainly miss her dedication and caring. She worried about them literally until the day she died. I sat in her home office while she fussed about a price change on a property brochure, at the same time she was putting her personal affairs in order.

Strangers will miss LeAnne. She was the consummate volunteer and charitable angel. Her community was as valuable to her as family.

LeAnne was smart and capable. She was generous, caring and enthusiastic. She radiated honesty and kindness. But mostly she was wholeheartedly, a friend.

“Make it a Great Day!”, Leanne, Thank You for your smile and for making me smile every time I we met. I will miss you but make no mistake, we all knew what we had while you were here.



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