Exhausted Couple sitting among moving boxes - Packing boxes, Moving Tips for Home Sellers, Moving Advice for Home Buyers, - Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties 602-999-0952

If the buyer isn’t buying it, pack it away.

from Home Seller’s FAQ on yourvalleyproperty.com

Early Retirement, moving, moving boxes - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952Everyone knows that someone is living here, why pack anything away ahead of time?

Here again, it’s a matter of what you want the buyer to remember. Will your house be “the one with that amazing kitchen” or will it be the“oh gee, was that the house with all the wedding pictures on the wall and the cats in the kitchen”? If you have a lot of “stuff” it may appear to a buyer, as though there is not enough space for their own furniture.

If it’s personal, pack it away.

If it’s something that will attract attention, pack it away.

And for goodness sake if it’s valuable, pack it away!

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