Comfort and a Carrot

from Not Your Daddy’s Home Selling Tips on

Comfort and a Carrot

houseUmbrellaOffer a Home Warranty. Home warranties have been around for a long time but they seem to have recently gained in popularity. I can tell you from experience that a good home warranty can be priceless. Most home warranty programs have an option that covers the buyer for 1 year after the closing date, but the real value is in the Seller’s coverage, at a minimal expense, for as long as your home is listed. Imagine your home is listed for sale and the heat or air conditioning malfunctions. You could probably live without the heat all summer, or the air conditioning all winter but these are things that are required to be in working order for the buyer’s financing, as are all major systems in your home. Instead of a costly repair or replacement, your only obligation would be a $65-$75 service fee. The home warranty generally covers all systems in your home, for instance plumbing and electrical, as well as appliances and other mechanicals. In addition to peace of mind for the Seller, the 1-year warranty would be offered as a little carrot… an incentive for the Buyer.

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