Thank You Thursday - Bill Salvatore, Realty Excellence East Valley at Arizona Elite Properties

Thank You Thursday spotlights Jet Blue

We rag on the airlines all the time. Come on… you do it too. But if you look closely you’ll find that most airlines have a warm, fuzzy side.

Southwest donated 20 million dollars last year in travel and cash to benefit Families Facing Serious Illness, Military and their Families, Disaster Preparedness and Response and the Environment. American Airlines regularly helps causes like Military Veterans, Human Services and Kids. United focuses their efforts on the communities where their employees live and work with volunteerism and travel certificates. You get the idea, right? Airlines, like any large companies, are not entirely evil. Thursday Thank You - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Today’s Thank You Thursday spotlights Jet Blue. Innovative from the start, Jet Blue has come up with an amazing program to educate and better the lives of children in need.

Free vending machines containing books have been installed in a Southeast Washington DC neighborhood, giving kids in under-served communities access to reading materials throughout the summer. Other cities are involved as well and through online #BookBattle you can vote to choose the next city to receive 100,000 new books.

Thanks Jet Blue!! “You Above All” are fresh and innovative. Stay that way!

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