Send a Soldier a Smile, Card sending program for Military - Bill Salvaotre, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

It’s Simple to Send a Soldier a Smile

Send a Soldier a Smile

Send a Soldier a Smile, Lynda & Mike Wooten - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952It’s getting closer to the holidays… well alright, it is still in the triple digits around here… but Lynda and Mike are already thinking about making the holidays smile-worthy for deployed Military personnel, and you can help! Read on to find out more.

Lynda and Mike Wooten, whose son was an Army Medic, began a little endeavor, sending Christmas cards to soldiers deployed overseas. It’s turning into a full-time occupation including Valentines Day cards and Girl Scout cookies, and holiday remembrances throughout the year. But Lynda and Mike are not slowing down. Each year they arrange a cooperative venture with the Phoenix Suns. In the past they’ve manned a booth for cards to be signed by Suns fans, and the Suns in turn do all the packaging and shipping. The NBA organization has assisted for several years running, and their efforts have not gone unnoticed. Appreciative soldiers from around the globe have replied with photos and Thank You’s to the Wooten’s, the Girl Scouts and the Phoenix Suns.

Phoenix Suns contribute to Send a Soldier a Smile - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

You can help from anywhere around the globe. If you’d like to help it’s easy to do with donations of cards, cash, or even your time. Lynda invites you to send her the name of a loved one who will be deployed at Christmas so she can send them a smile 🙂

You can read Lynda and Mike’s story here and there is an email form to contact them at the bottom of the Send a Soldier a Smile page and at the end of this post. This is largely a two-man project that Lynda admits, can get a little overwhelming at times, so Mike and Lynda are always grateful for any help they can get.

A note from Lynda:

Hi everyone. it’s never to early to start writing Christmas cards for the troops. We will officially start for this year in October. We need your help if you know someone who will be deployed at Christmas we need their info to send them cards. Just email me all info is kept strictly confidential. Thanks for your help.


Send a Soldier a Smile info and contact page

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