How can I help you? - Agent Responsibilities - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

Selling Your Home? What Should Your Real Estate Agent Be Doing For You?

How Can I Help You?

Don’t let anyone tell you that selling your home is confusing, complex or exhausting. If that’s the case then your agent isn’t doing their job. This isn’t my first rodeo, it’s what I do every day. For me it’s all par-for-the course. Below is a list of some of the things that are my responsibility, things I’m paid to do for you.

  • Inform you during and about, every development in your transaction.
  • Listen to your needs and understand your real estate objectives, both financial and personal.
  • Explain each clause in every page of paperwork. A safeguard against negative repercussions.
  • We can prepare for and head-off many obstacles right from the start, but unforeseen issues before, during and after the transaction will be handled quickly and correctly.
  • Negotiate and deal effectively on your behalf with the buyers, other agents, escrow/closing and title representatives, and lenders when indicated.
  • Properly prepare forms, contracts and disclosures, which are required by law, make sure that they are complete, accurate, and that they protect your interests.
  • Provide factual and relevant, comparable sales data to assure that you are setting an advantageous price for your home. This involves assessing your bottom-line, and determining how quickly you want to move.
  • Counsel you regarding the necessity and extent of repairs.
  •  Advise if necessary, in the selection of escrow/closing and title company, offering numerous options and outlining the services they provide.
  • Help you spot purchase contracts that do not have your best interest in mind.
  • Point out variations, the use of, and limitations of the earnest money deposit, if and why it must be returned to the buyer and when it would be legally yours to keep.
  • Advise as to when you should seek counsel of an attorney.
  • Oversee the fulfillment of contractual dates and conditions.
  • Clarify home inspection procedure and preparation, and point out which additional inspections may be applicable to your property. Guide and prepare your legal response to repair requests.
  • Make sure the appraisal process is handled properly.
  • See that any repairs are completed and lender requirements are met prior to closing.
  • Explain escrow, closing and title routine.
  • Define what the buyer’s walk-through process will entail and how it may affect you.
  • Review the HUD1 figures and closing documentation for accuracy and thoroughness.
  • Advise as to what course of action should be taken if the buyer refuses to close the transaction.

As a side note, you didn’t see Open Houses on this list. A lot of agents don’t believe that Open Houses work. I beg to differ. I have held Open Houses when no one showed up but that’s rare, a fluke. An open house gives buyers room to roam. They’re not in a hurry to move on to the next appointment so they feel a little more comfortable asking questions and taking in the details of your home. I am a huge fan of Open Houses and I arrange them as often as possible.

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