A thoughtful gift for my wife

I’m always intrigued by the annual Consumer Electronics Show. I have little to no connection to anyone in the high-tech field and even less technical ability, so any chance of my being on the short list for an invitation to next year’s event is nil. Still, I am completely fascinated by the technological world’s view of what my life could be like next year.

The curved TV still has me wondering. I haven’t exactly figured out its value or any possible contribution to my watching experience. No doubt I would have bypassed that concession.

A door lock that works remotely via your smartphone, now there’s something I could sink my teeth into. The older I get, the more frequently I question whether I locked the door before getting on the plane. This product may have been aimed at millennials but it holds great promise for us old guys. It also takes a photo of whomever is knocking at your door and sends it to you. When I’m 3000 miles away will I find that relevant or just disturbing? This one’s a definite maybe.

We’ve had robotic vacuums for years, but wait there’s more! The new one from iRobot actually vacuums, then washes and squeegees your floor. Now that’s productive. I’m in.

The light bulb that can either help you sleep or give you energy is nowhere in my wheelhouse. I need zero assistance falling asleep ever, and It’s likely I’m going to want a power nap during the day at the very same time that light bulb has determined I need more energy. This one is clearly not for me.

Here’s something I did find practical, and maybe even thoughtful and gift-worthy besides. A bed that tracks your sleep habits. On the surface this may sound meaningless and more than a little creepy, after all you are asleep while all this is happening, and why would you care? My A’Ha moment came when I read further in the article. This is where I get the award for most considerate gift for my wife. I am a snorer, and this has what they call a “Partner Snore Button” that will allow her to, and I quote, “raise the head of your sleeping spouse without disturbing them”. Without disturbing them!! This is brilliant! No more kicking, poking, pushing, nudging, rolling over, uncovering of your spouse to stop them from snoring. S000… is this more of a gift for me than for her? Maybe she’d just prefer the Mercedes that drives itself.

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Bill Salvatore is a member of Heroes Home Advantage, a cash back program for Real Estate buyers and sellers. The program honors Veterans and Active Military Members, Fire Fighters and First Responders, EMTs and Emergency Medical Personnel, Nurses, and Teachers. Through the Heroes Home Advantage program, Realtors give a portion of their commission back to the hero in the form of assistance with closing costs.

Bill is also President of the Phoenix Chapter of VAREP, Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals. VAREP is focused on education and employment, making real estate transactions smoother and easier for Veterans and Military Personnel, and instructing other real estate related professionals in the best procedures for dealing with these transactions. VAREP is a nationwide non-profit association with an impressive presence in the Phoenix area.

In founding AZVHV, Arizona Veterans Helping Veterans, Bill has spread his dedication to Veterans and Military throughout the real estate industry. An increasing number of local professionals have joined Bill in offering discounts to these heroes, not only when buying or selling a home but in all aspects of homeownership. AZVHV has developed a wide range of services and is gaining momentum every year. Membership is free. Bill’s only requirements are that businesses be legitimate and willing to offer a discount on their services to Veterans and Military Members.

You can contact Bill at Realty Executives East Valley, 1166 E Warner Rd. Suite 117, Gilbert AZ, 85296. Direct Phone: 602-999-0952. E-Mail: golfarizona@cox.net. Web site and blog: www.yourValleyProperty.com.

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