Music and George

... so my pick for quote of the day is from The Pool Guy.

Ask almost anyone and they’ll tell you that Music motivates, it’s exciting, it brings back memories, inspires creativity, Elaine, Seinfeld - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952influences mood, stimulates energy and makes you want to move , triggers emotion… and it sticks in your head!! I like music, i do. I listen in the car and at the gym, but it doesn’t exactly excite me. It’s not something I seek out when there are other entertainment choices.

My wife would tell you, as she never hesitates to tell me, that the problem is as simple as my having chosen the wrong music. When I do listen it’s Country and only Country. Ok I appreciate some classic rock, Stones and Beatles mostly and some Southern Rock like maybe Allman Brothers, Eagles or Charlie Daniels (which someone I know insists is still Country), but all the buttons in my car and all the tunes on my iPod generate only Country. I’ve tried listening to my wife’s chosen genre (what a vacation that was) but inevitably I found myself asking, every time a new song came on, “what IS that?”. Bewildered, my wife would look at my face and say “What?, I don’t smell anything”. The only real excitement I get out of music is after I’ve driven her car and switched all of her buttons to Country.

What I do find entertaining is a really good sit-com. (not sure I’ve ever said that out loud before, maybe I shouldn’t have) The community of comedy-style television is just crawling with bad, really, really bad programing. But you have to admit that vintage sit-coms like Mash and Frasier were brilliant, not only in their time but even now. My theory has always been that a little bit can be attributed to the writing but real genius is in the delivery, therefore all of the main characters have to be strong. You want something influential in your life? Forget music. Watch a good sit-com.Seinfeld, It's a show about nothing - Bill Salvatore, Realty Executives East Valley - 602-999-0952

I don’t think there was ever a show with a stronger cast than Seinfeld. Individual characters spawned particular reactions. Remember noogies?, that painful knuckle-head-grinding thing we did to annoying little sisters? I always wanted to do that to Elaine. Jerry was meant to be the sensible one but with a kinda warped and strangely naive logic. Kramer was like the dorky buddy in high school that everybody else picked on, so we had to defend. George… ah George, immensely uncomfortable, enough to make you squirm and sometimes make your skin crawl. I loved George. You know how music sticks in your head? George sticks in mine.

... so my pick for quote of the day is from The Pool Guy. "If Relationship George walks through this door, he will kill Independent George. A George divided against itself cannot stand!"
~ George

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